The Marxist Union
The Marxist Union is a Garry´s Mod clan. We operate mainly on vanilla servers. We have been in many wars, such as the war with TTN.
Relations with other clans
Our allies
- The Stalker Imperium
- teh meme groop
Our enemies
Wars and important battles
- TMU vs ADP war(Truce, an alliance has been signed later)
- TMU vs TTN war(Victory for TMU)
- TMU vs Jumpscarez´s Group Chat war(Victory for TMU)
- TMU vs TISN war(Victory for TMU, an alliance has been signed later)
- Battle of Lucid(TMU vs TTN, victory for TMU)
- Battle of the New Gmod Server(TMU vs an aimbotter and 3 other minges, surprisingly, we won the battle)
- TMU vs Sovinia war(Victory for TMU)
- Second TMU vs Sovinia war(Ongoing)
- TMU vs nazis war(Ongoing, all battles have been victorious so far)
Chairman : ☭Товарищ Дмитрий
Chairman´s right hand man : engineer doggo
Ideology : Left Communism